One day, =Gabby and I were playing tag in my yard. I looked down and saw something in the grass. It was a little black caterpillar. The caterpillar crawled on my finger. Then he crawled on my hand. I called him =Sam and brought him inside. "=Mom, =Dad, look! I have a new pet," I said. =Mom got a jar. =Dad put holes in the lid for air. =Gabby and I went outside to pick leaves for =Sam to eat. I kept =Sam in my room. Every afternoon, =Gabby and I took =Sam outside. He zigzagged through the grass. Sometimes he crawled up and down =Gabby's back. One afternoon, =Gabby and I went to my room to get =Sam. He had made a cocoon around himself. He was hanging from the lid of the jar. "Soon =Sam will be a butterfly," said =Gabby. In a few days, =Sam came out of his cocoon. He was a beautiful orange butterfly! =Gabby and I took him outside. We opened the jar. =Sam flew out and landed on my hand. "I'm going to miss =Sam," I said to =Gabby. =Gabby said, "=Sam is going to find his butterfly friends." I said, "I hope =Sam finds a nice friend like you, =Gabby."